Archive for the ‘treasure hunt’ Tag

Yesternight’s Treasure Hunt   Leave a comment

Avast there, ye writing swabs. Haul anchor, and prepare ta search the seven internet seas fer hidden booty. (Not that kind you pervs!)

As I mentioned in a recent post, my good friend, fellow writer, and AQC member, Joyce Alton is celebrating her blog’s anniversary. What I failed to mention is that Joyce is a very accomplished beta reader, and critique artist par excellence. So much so that she recently had to take a break from critiquing just so she could get a bit of her own work done. Yes, she is really that much in demand.

Here comes the good part for any writers who are reading my blog.

Joyce is going to have an internet treasure hunt. She is going to break her critique abstinence and offer a free critique to the winner.

The Treasure hunt starts tomorrow morning, so if you would like a chance to have Joyce critique for you, check out the following link tomorrow morning. If you win, you’ll be more than glad you did.

Yesternight’s Voyage Treasure Hunt

Personally, I hope I get ta broadside the rest of you lot, so’s I can claim the bounty fer meself. But good luck to you all anyway.

Later Gang… or should I say, “Arrrrrr!” 😉